passion and kindness

God’s Coin


A Charity Project

A New Vision for Crypto Charity...

June 2024

Our Path forward

Our one year plan includes connecting other coins together, creating those pairs and establishing an advertising campaign.


First Steps

CROSS/SOL Pair Created

14 Billion CROSS Burned


Social Media



Steps Three

Farms for Christ/Cross, other Charity/Christian coins


Steps Two

Christ/Cross Pair - $500 Dollar Liquidity Start

Other Charity/Christian Coins

2.5% Coin Burn


Steps Four

Advertising Campaign

Raising Liquidity in Pools

Media/Influencer Campaigns

About us

Always step forward

and make a difference

in the world!

Our Story begins really about 4 years ago when I was pursuing Jesus and trying to figure out who he was and why I was so drawn to his word in the Bible. I was invited to a Revival at a church and got saved 3 weeks later and have been on a path of discovering what my calling is and who I am as a Christian. I found my identity in Jesus then was able to discover that I'm servant, a giver and that I want to stir people up to good works. I found my wife in our service to God and got married. She’s a big Giver, very organized and structured; I am the exact opposite. I've been trying to figure out how I can give back to the kingdom and how I can serve God more. I quite a job of 7 years believing God had better plans for me. I created a painting business and it was successful (God Willed) then I decided to go with something I was passionate about. I am a monetary policy nerd, fiscal policy and understanding the the flow of money in international markets and currencies is my thing. Bitcoin and it's derivative coins were of interest to me for a while now. I just never stepped into that conviction until finally I decided to create this coin in order to facilitate the financing of an organization I believe in very deeply: Hope Global Now and the founders of that organization whom I know and trust and I just want to give back because of what Jesus did for me.

Creativity Light Bulb Icon

Smart choice

Planned Coin Burns reducing available supply

Solana based pair for value

a focus on charity while making money

Flag on Mountain Icon


A team with 80+ years of starting, managing and working with and for businesses.

Financial Security


Privacy and Security are important to us.

We will never ask for any personal information or pass phrases.

People of Indonesia Students Working Together
Love's Locks!

Our team

Let's meet our team members

who are professional and have

rich experiences.

Tommy G.

Jennie G.


Design Collaboration

Founder, Father, Husband

Ops Manager and Wife

Spiritual Father

Busy Bee Designs

Tommy G. “Guts”

Founder, Husband and Father

A man with a passion to give and to serve people! He loves his wife and children and wants to encourage them to live a life that give rather then takes from other.

Conflict management


Zebra Cake Consumpsion

Jennie G. “Great”

Organizer, Wife and Board-Game


A detail-oriented, organizer Delux. she has a passion to give and serve! She also is a formidable opponent with any board-game or card game. She loves to put things in clear containers with labels on them.

People Person

Board or Card games

Organizing “OCD”

Jason P. “Powerful”

Life and Spiritual Guide, Motivator and Dear Friend

A man who had taught me to seek after Jesus, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach me everything I know about Christianity. A Great Cook and tells the best stories. Makes flower shirts look good! Advisor and business minded.

Run Speed


Cajuns Accent

Swot section

Our SWOT analysis will show the

company framework.



Fiat Currency on the decline and the needs for people are increasing



low traffic and name recognition



provide fast, reliable funding for resources around the world without interference



Systemic or Global Financial collapse and reorganization


This subscription allows us to mitigate the costs of advertisement and management of the account, 200,000 CROSS COIN sent to your wallet

X Subscription


5 Dollars goes a long way to help those in need!

In addition to knowing that you helped support a righteous cause, we will send you 200,000 CROSS Coin for your support of Hope Global Now!


Directly support a Crypto Coin Project who’s only goal with the money to to provide for those in need. While making money and having fun doing it!



Modest and affordable with Charity as our focus!

More on this soon...



Organizations that want to give back to those in need.

Circled Thin

Christian Family Painting LLC

A combination of

knowledge and skills

in various fields!


1,000,000,000,000 Only

No New Coins Mintable

Our Targets

10% Burn in the First Year, 10% to the CROSS Team, 10% in rewards and campaigns.

10% Future investments and asset acquisitions and collaborations.







An additional 30% will be used to create trade pairs and farms.


Hope Global Now will own 30% of this coin in Liquidity pools and will never sell more then 5% at any one time, this is a safe coin from “Rug Pulls”


Get in and help push the orange lines up!

Generate Awesomeness

We hope you decide to donate to Hope Global Now or purchase some CROSS coin

The interest generate from trading CROSS or Donating to Hope Global Now is invaluable!



We have a presence and it is growing fast! We will comment and post topics, replies, reposts of various social/religious topics.

The community is being built! Join us NOW!!

5.42 k


Year End Goal

Thank you